Wednesday, September 09, 2009

In Memoriam: Joan Francis

Three years ago, I profiled Christopher Faughnan, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. I have linked the profile to his name if you wish to read it. I wrote about Mr. Faughnan as a part of the 2,996 Project, which was begun to help remember the 2,996 innocent people who were killed on September 11, 2001 in the World Trade Center, in the hijacked airplanes, or in the Pentagon. The way the Project works is that bloggers sign up to honor one or more victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The person I was assigned is a woman named Joan Francis. While I found all kinds of information for Christopher Faughnan, it was very difficult to find any information on Ms. Francis. After Googling her name, I noticed that on list after list of all the 9/11 victims, Ms. Francis was the only person on the entire list who did not have her age and town/state of residence listed beside her name. I found one website that quoted a government official from the Carribean island nation of Trinidad-Tobago identifying Ms. Francis as being a citizen of that country.

The lack of information or photos of Ms. Francis saddened me greatly, as I could not find out if there is anyone - friends or family - who miss her or give tribute to her memory. So Joan Francis of Trinidad-Tobago, although I have never met you; I don't know what you look like; I have no idea what kind of person you were or what kind of life you led; I do know that you were present in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and you deserve to be remembered and honored for giving your life on that horrible day that still haunts my dreams.

God Bless you, and Good Day to You, Joan Francis



Alicia said...

Even though we don't know anything about her, we now remember her name. Thank you for ensuring that she is not forgotten.

I honor Christopher Paul Slattery.

pixiechic11 said...

Hello Mr. Chandler. I hope this note finds you well. I came upon your blog after trying to find out information on Joan Francis. In honor of 9/11 the neighboring town to me has a flag for every victim on that day that can be purchased and the money donated to our troops. My sister (serves in the Army National Guard) and I took a stroll through the park where these flags are and paid our respects. We came across one flag that had no information other than a name (Ms. Joan Francis) and our hearts dropped. We purchased it in hopes to try and find family of her to give the flag to. I just wanted to share my story with you as out of all those people who lost their lifes and all the flags there, she and I came across her and can honor her memory.
God Bless~ Tommi, IL.