Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bipartisan global warming buffoonery

Kudos to Dana Milbank! The liberal scribe for the Washington Post is usually too annoying for me to tolerate, but I must commend him for calling out Al Gore's ridiculous globaloney warming testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

What was really amusing about the piece was not the greenhouse gas-inducing hot air being blown by the Goracle (Milbank also uses this moniker), but the absolutely embarrassing rounds of ass kissing that the senators on the committee were bestowing upon the Bloated One. Republicans and Democrats alike all acted like a bunch of mafia underlings as they conferred with their capo. Just listen to some of the exchanges as noted by Milbank:
"Tennessee," gushed Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican from Gore's home state, "has a legacy of having people here in the Senate and in public service that have been of major consequence and contributed in a major way to the public debate, and you no doubt have helped build that legacy." If that wasn't quite enough, Corker added: "Very much enjoyed your sense of humor, too..."

Dick Lugar (Ind.), the ranking Republican, agreed that there will be "an almost existential impact" from the climate changes Gore described...

Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), challenging Gore over spent nuclear fuel, began by saying: "I stand to be corrected, and I defer to your position, you're probably right, and I'm probably wrong." He ended his question by saying: "I'm not questioning you; I'm questioning myself..."
And those snippets are just from the Republicans! They are the ones who are supposed to be principled enough not to fall for this garbage.

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