Monday, November 21, 2005

One More Marker on the Road to Oblivion

This was in today's edition of the Sacramento Bee. An article by Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald detailed the official discontinuation of good sportsmanship by a school district in Northern Virginia. It seems that their players couldn't even perform the obligatory shaking of hands after a game without starting fights, spitting on each other, and verbal abuse. Instead of promising to kick off any player that does this (logical is it not?), district officials said that the shaking of hands policy would be discontinued. In the future, I wonder what other duties we require of our children will be discontinued because our children don't want to do them? And we wonder why "kids these days" are considered to be so out of control.

Good Day to You, Sir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about giving into the whiney sniffles of a bunch of immature young "adults". What's next? Shorter class times? How about longer lunches? Maybe we should just hand them their diploma, pat them on the back for a job not so well done, and give them a great paying job just because they ask for it.

These are children who, whether they believe it or not, need discipline and structure in order to grow into a decent, mature individual who can function in a society that won’t cater to their every whim (hopefully).

School officials aside, where the heck were their parents when this spitting and fighting over a handshake was going on?????????