Friday, November 04, 2005

How Ya Gonna Keep 'em in the Mosque when They've Been to Paree?

It has taken a week for the mainstream media to pay this any proper attention, but we are finally finding out more about the riots that have been raging in the suburbs of Paris, France that are being carried out by Muslim youths. Homes and businesses have been burned, police and firefighters have been shot at and had their vehicles torched, and a woman was doused with gasoline and set on fire. Why are they rioting? If you ask Associated Press and Reuters, they will tell you that it due to the fact that these "North African" immigrants (they dance around the word Muslim) are disaffected by racism, poverty and living in slums. Never mind the fact that they are Muslim fanatics who hate the country in which they live because it is not Muslim... not yet anyway. As for their poverty, aside from refusing to assimilate into French culture, how about the role of the socialist economic system that France practices? The native French aren't doing so hot either. The difference is that I don't see the native French rioting... yet. As for the Muslims? Again, they hate the infidel French anyway, so why not burn it all down man?

What is particularly laughable is the reaction of some French officials to these riots. I have been seeing a lot of self-hatred and self-flagellation by these officials who blame the French for the plight of these poor Muslim immigrants and first-generations who can't seem to accept the country in which they live.

Over the last couple of decades, countries in Europe have seen an explosion of Muslim immigrants - especially England, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Over the same decades, countries in Europe have seen huge increase in Muslim-initiated violence - especially England, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The European people are quickly discovering that they are becoming an endangered species. The Muslim immigrants continue to stream in and reproduce; the Europeans have had a negative birthrate for some time now. When events like these riots take place and begin spreading, how long will it be before the repressed nationalism becomes nascent and a backlash begins? If the backlash happens, it will be bloody. How do I know? I teach history folks. Read up sometime about the Battle of Tours in 732 when a Frankish Christian army took on a Muslim army invading from Spain. Read about the Battle of Hattin in 1187 during the Crusades. Muslims and Christians have been slugging it out on and off at least since the year 711, when Umayyad Muslims invaded Spain and kicked the Catholic Visigoths out of power. It will be interesting to see how the Europeans handle this virtual second Muslim invasion of the continent. What makes it so interesting is that in this second invasion, the invaders were invited. Considering the bombings and violence in England, the riots in France, the murders in the Netherlands, and the threats of violence in Denmark - all committed by Muslims - I would venture to say the invited party is beginning to wear out their welcome.

Good Day to You, Sir

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