Thursday, September 01, 2005

Good News, Katrina is the Work of Allah, Not Bush

This just in:
According to a Kuwaiti official, Hurricane Katrina was doing the work of Allah in punishing America for its sins. It turns out this whole thing may not be President Bush's fault after all. I know that this medium of communication doesn't reflect emotion, so may I point out the sarcasm that is dripping from my fingertips?

By the way Kuwait, you are so welcome for the United States rescuing you from the clutches of Saddam Hussein back in 1990-91. I see you are so grateful for our sacrifice.

Sigh... Good Day to You, Allah.


Anonymous said...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going. Here's a subject that interests many; stat quo regarding information on stat quo

Anonymous said...

I can see my worry over being too smart-assey in my comments was all for nothing. The sarcasm here is waist deep. Thank you so much for pointing out that the evil Americans had what was coming to them according to the always-levelheaded middle easterners. Whew! And I thought it was just a natural occurrence. My bad. t

Anonymous said...

bad information nothing on louise farrakhan

W.R. Chandler said...

Could you restate this post, because I am afraid I don't understand what you are trying to tell me.
