Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Can't You Just Feel the Love?

Ah yes! Those peace-loving leftists at their anti-American... I mean, "anti-war" rally in Washington D.C. this weekend. Hat tip to Powerline Blog for the Jesse/Cindy love-in photo and hat tip to Little Green Footballs for the Bushishitler photo. In the name of full disclosure, the Bushishitler photo was taken at a rally in Los Angeles that happened the same day as the big D.C. rally, but I'm sure you could have seen something just as despicable in D.C. I'm the first to admit that I am no big fan of George W. Bush. He is our biggest spending president since FDR and LBJ, he is doing nothing to protect our borders from invasion from our illegal neigbors from Mexico/Central America, and he is fighting the war in Iraq like a little wussy-boy instead of going in there like a man and kicking ass and taking names. But to compare him to Adolph Hitler? I notice I never see any Bushisstalin posters. The commie sympathizers in the anti-war movement can't seem to bring themselves to do that can they, even though Stalin killed a lot more people than Hitler ever dreamed of. If you want to see the true face of the left, check out these photos of the anti-war rally in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 24, 2005. It will make you sick. These people preach peace and tolerance, but you will not find a more hateful and intolerant group of people anywhere; at least in this country.

Good Day to You, Sir


Anonymous said...

You have to love the mindset of the minion. "If you tell me, I will do it". I am not a big fan of the war myself, but I try to understand the reasons that we are there. Personally, I think we should just let the Middle Easterners rot in the mess they've made. Although I know that wouldn't do the world any good. But no matter the reasons, I will always support those troops that are over there (mother sheehan, take notes). And what a surprise seeing THE REVEREND JESSIE JACKSON clinging onto the most recent, anti-republican cause. Does he realize that standing there with the mother from hell does not help his public image?

Oh, I also like the law-abiding citizen in the first picture that made a protest poster out of a No Parking sign. His mother must be so proud.

W.R. Chandler said...

Test comment.

Energetic_Nova said...

I wonder if the torture memos changed your mind at all.

Deriding the other side as commies doesn’t really make you look much better.

So, my fave socialist is Magnus Hirschfeld, he was a sexologist in Germany and his building which gave free healthcare to people and studied trans and gay people was the first target of the Hitler regime. Targeting socialists and communists came first. Then came the workers unions. It is hard for me to take conservatives seriously when they constantly smear us and have a long history of censorship and political persecution of socialists and communists with actual laws, not just words....