While answering a question about last Thursday's Tea Party in Washington D.C. that drew about 10,000 participants on very short notice, Gibbs had this to say about the signs at the rally that were a little more blunt in their message (emphasis mine):
I will continue to say what I've said before. You hear in this debate, you hear analogies, you hear references to, you see pictures about and depictions of individuals that are truly stunning, and you hear it all the time. People -- imagine five years ago somebody comparing health care reform to 9/11. Imagine just a few years ago had somebody walked around with images of Hitler....Images of Hitler a few years ago? Can you imagine? Who would do such a thing?
Either Gibbs is an ignorant fool, or he is a sly tactician who is counting on the ignorance of all those Obamabots out there who will believe every word that comes out of this administration. I vote for the latter.
Good Day to You, Sir
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