Sunday, September 16, 2007

In the Church of Global Warming, lying to children is apparently not a sin

A big hat tip to the news site WorldNetDaily (see blogroll) - not only for alerting us to this story, but for my liberal (did I use that word?) borrowing of their graphics in the retelling of this story. Please check the WND link for yourself if you like.

You may or may not have heard of the name Laurie David. She used to be married to Larry David, who is the co-creator of the Seinfeld sitcom and also had a cable hit with the show, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Notice I ended up naming Larry's accomplishments and not Laurie's. That's because, although she has done some writing and producing in Hollywood, her primary accomplishment was marrying Larry David. Currently, she is a board member on the Natural Resources Defense Council and is a contributing blogger to the Huffington Post.

What Laurie David is best known for is being one of the true kool-aid drinkers in the Church of Global Warming. Quite frankly, I believe that the woman is mentally unstable. She is well known for verbally accosting people on the streets if they are driving a Hummer or a big SUV, calling them "terrorist enablers". The former Ms. David believes she can do this because she drives an electric Toyota RAV-4. Of course, she also commutes between her two enormous houses (one on each coast of the country) by way of a private jet that burns more fuel in one cross-country trip than a Hummer will use in an entire year.
Now that you have the back story, what brings mention of Laurie David to my blog today is a children's/young person's book on global warming that she has put out there through the Scholastic publishing company, which supplies more than a few books to our nation's schools.

This book, titled The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming (yes, I'm sure it gives a balanced view), has been shown by WorldNetDaily to have a downright falsehood in it. There is a graph in the book that purports to show the relationship between the rise in the earth's carbon dioxide levels, and the rise in the earth's average temperature. Take a look at the graph as it appears in David's book:

First, please note that this graph starts on the right and goes to the left. The CO2 level (in red) rises, and the then the temperature level (in blue) seems to rise as a result. So looking at this graph, the reader is left with the impression that rising CO2 levels causes the earth's temperature to rise as a result. One big problem. This isn't true, and Laurie David has to know this because she switched the elements of the graph. The CO2 level should be the blue line, and the temperature should be the red line. Here is the graph as it is actually supposed to appear, but does not in David's book:

This totally changes the cause and effect of the increase in temperature. In reality, rising temperatures cause an increase in the earth's level of CO2 - NOT the other way around. So if earth's temperatures dictate the amount of CO2, then any increased production of CO2 by us humans cannot possibly be the cause of global warming. This undoubtedly upsets zealots like Laurie David to no end, so what to do? In her case, she apparently decided to doctor the graph to show the result that she wanted.

The assertion that we humans are causing global warming to happen is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the human race. Forget the accusation of global warming "deniers" being the tools of industry. Any of the tens of millions of dollars that skeptics of global warming have taken from the evil oil industry pales in comparison to the billions of dollars that purveyors of the global warming hoax have taken from national governments and non-governmental organizations.

Meanwhile, elitist, lying hypocrites like Laurie David will say with a straight face that I should curtail my consumption in order to stop global warming, while she flies in private jets to her gargantuan, energy-inhaling mansions. This would all be so hilarious if the intended results of these megalomaniacs were not so damned serious.

Good Day to You, Sir


Anonymous said...

Everyone should read "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming" by Christopher Horner. You might also catch him on C-SPAN Book TV. He gives the straight info in an attention-grabbing manner, complete with correct charts and graphs.

Anonymous said...

I hear the phrase "global warming" every day - too late the S$@t has already melted - deal with it already.

Spoticus said...
