Sunday, October 15, 2006

That's Twice!

The fam and I traveled north this weekend to see my parents, who live in the lovely volcanic pine forests of northeastern California. On the way home today, I got a call on my cell from George at the MimmenBlog (see blogroll). It seems that I was published in the Sacramento Bee's Forum section again. The section in the Forum where my blog post appears is no longer called Surfing USA; it is now called the Blog Watch, and it features excerpts from regional blogs rather than national ones. My post on North Korea acquiring the Bomb was showcased. It did my heart right to see the terms Billy Jeff, Madeleine Halfbright, and Dimmy Carter appear in the rather leftist Sacramento Bee. If they keep this up, I might end up respecting them just a little bit more.

So, if a Sac Bee reader should come to visit my blog because s/he saw it in the Forum, then Welcome! says I, and of course...

Good Day to You, Sir


Darren said...

Dang, that's more than I've been showcased in there!

And it was you who told me about it my only time.

Miroslav said...

Has your visitor count shot up since you've been listed?

W.R. Chandler said...

Hmmm, how do I see my visitor count? Or are you talking about an increase in comments?