Grab your socks and hose and pull, because tonight, Hillary Rodham Clinton began her run for the presidency. Did she get up in front of a podium and announce it? Not exactly. Instead, a new series,
Commander in Chief, made its debut tonight on ABC. The show centers around a female vice president played by Geena Davis who ascends to the presidency after the actual president dies of a stroke. This show was like a wet dream for leftists and Democrats, much like the West Wing has been. That's Hollywood for you - you don't like our current president? We'll just make up a show and pretend that Martin Sheen or Geena Davis is our president. So, NYAH! Hollywood is good at pretending after all. I took notes as I watched tonight's inaugural (get it?) episode, because I had a feeling that the PC and liberal make-believe would be laid on hot and heavy. I was not disappointed. Here are my rambling musings about what I saw tonight:
1. Once again, we have a political office holder who is an independent. I forget the name of the show, but a couple of years ago, there was a show about an accidental Senator starring Josh Brolin. His character was an independent too. Hollywood does this in an attempt to be seen as bipartisan. Problem is, their leftist politics keep getting in the way; imagine that. So Geena Davis' character is an Independent. I don't know, do you see an Independent being picked on a major party ticket with either a Democrat or a Republican anytime soon? I didn't think so.
2. Of course Geena's character (MacKenzie Allen, by the way) is asked by the dying President and the evil scheming Speaker of the House (played by Donald Sutherland) to resign. The President says it's because she is an Independent, but the Speaker cuts to the chase and tells her that the country wouldn't be taken seriously by the world with a female president. Here are my two cents: No, the world would not take us seriously with a woman as prez if she was a weak sniveling liberal like the majority of the women in our Congress for example. It's not whether or not its a woman, it's what kind of woman she is. I present to you Exhibit A: Margaret Thatcher. Now there was a woman you didn't want to mess with; just ask Argentina.
3. As MacKenzie agonizes over her decision to resign or take the presidential oath, she asks her young children what they think. She must have asked herself, "WWJCD?" (What would Jimmy Carter do?). You see, back in 1980, Jimmy Carter was made fun of mercilessly when he let it be known during a presidential campaign debate that he had asked his young daughter Amy about what important issue he should be focusing on. She picked Nuclear War. That's it, what do the ignorant unknowing naive children think? Let's ask 'em!
4. During a flashback sequence, MacKenzie is asked by the now-dead president to be his running mate. She expresses concern that the press will rake her over the coals because she lacks political experience. The president laughs and mentions what past experience has gotten us: "Watergate, Vietnam, Irangate,
WMDgate." Putting aside the whole WMD thing, do you see anything missing from that list? How about, say, Missile Technology to China for Campaign Cashgate, Buddhist Temple Fundraisingate, Whitewatergate, Travel Officegate, and of course, Monicagate. Boy! Somehow missed those. All the writers mentioned were Republican scandals, and yes, the left blames Vietnam on Nixon. You don't believe me? Look it up.
5. When MacKenzie finally decides to take the oath rather than resign, she can't find a bible in her house. The evil Speaker, who is obviously one of those fire-breathing Christian fundamentalist wackos, says, "Here, you can use mine." See? He just happened to have a bible that he carries around with him all the time as he thinks up ways to oppress women, minorities, and gay people.
6. The First Lady's social secretary, a very prim, proper, and prissy lass, obviously did NOT approve of Hillary Rodham Clinton's assertive ways. Nobody likes strong women. That's why people don't like Hillary. It has nothing to do with her conniving ways, her morphing beliefs and personality depending on to whom she is speaking, her corruption, her dirty financial dealing, her policy as First Lady that the White House staff was not to look her in the eye (No, I'm not kidding!).
7. In a subplot, MacKenzie is trying to free a woman in Nigeria who is going to be stoned to death for committing adultery. Once she is prez, she ushers the Nigerian ambassador into a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he is told that Nigeria either give up the woman to the U.S. or a military raid will be executed and Nigerians will die. The ambassador mentions something about unilateral action, the woman is released to the military, and President Allen is a heroine for putting Nigeria in its place. Now, I don't believe anyone should be stoned to death for adultery. But I am glad to see that the show's liberal writers have finally shown us a unilateral action the U.S. can take without catching flak from the anti-war protestors:
3,000 dead Americans in NYC/DC/Penn? Don't you attack Afghanistan without your allies! Possible WMDs and 300,000 confirmed mass graves in Iraq? Don't you go into Iraq without your allies! One woman in Nigeria is going to be stoned to death for adultery? What are you waiting for? Forget the allies! There's no time for that! Get her out now, NOW!
-Bottom line: I am making the prediction right here and now that Hillary Rodham Clinton will run for President in 2008. I am hoping with all my might that my prediction turns out to be wrong, because that woman scares me to death. All these anti-war protestors that were out in the street this past weekend talking about how George W. Bush's "regime" is fascistic? Put Hillary in the White House, and you will see a true manifestation of American fascism.
Good Day to You, Sir