Sunday, March 13, 2011

Religion of Peace strikes again

In Israel on Friday (Saturday there), Palestinian Muslim murderers snuck into a Jewish home in the dead of night and killed five members of a family, including both parents, an 11-year old, a 4-year old, and a 3-MONTH old baby.

Pamela Gellar at Atlas Shrugged has crime (terrorist) scene photos posted, which might seem macabre were it not for the fact that family members of the deceased authorized Gellar to post the photos so that one may truly see the face of evil, and what to see what the Israelis face every day as they are surrounded by people who want to see every one of them dead. I posted the least offensive of the photos (that hand belongs to the 4-year old), but I couldn't bring myself to post any of the others.

The standard operating procedure at this point is for Muslim apologists and Palestinian apologists to insist that this was just an isolated incident and we shouldn't make a blanket judgement based on the actions of a few.

That argument might hold a bit more water were it not for the fact that as soon as word of this barbaric attack made the rounds in Gaza, people began celebrating in the streets and handing out sweets.

There are a couple people in my circle of coworkers, family, and friends who complain about the Israelis and talk about the raw deal the Palestinians have. I'm not quite sure how they would defend this.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was, and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson

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