I'm so glad I have Michelle Obama around to tell me how and what to feed my children. I don't know how I would get along without her. After all, she knows better than I how to feed and raise my children. After all, I am just a peasant.
My usual question: Where in the Constitution is Congress and the President authorized to pass laws providing school lunches and breakfast at taxpayer expense? To the tune of $4.5 billion in this case.
It is always such a simple litmus test that our pampered princes and princesses in D.C. fail time and time again.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was, and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
How many people are aware that some of FDR's New Deal programs/actions were found un-constitutional and that he wanted to reform the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 so he could get his way? School lunches were created during the Great Depression.
Not enough people know that, and many who do don't care. They should.
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