Sunday, March 21, 2010

Using other people's money to pay for other people's lives

Now that our illustrious Congress had passed the Health Care Control and Federal Takeover Bill of 2010, I guess the question on everyone's mind must be what happens now?

It's all quite simple really. After our Statist-in-Chief signs the steaming pile of crap, we all get to pay for the lifestyle choices of people from all around the country. Someone wants to eat themselves to oblivion, smoke a few packs a day, or use all manner of body-poisoning drugs, then congratulations: the financial pain for the consequences of their bodily abuse will be sent to all of you.

This is when some braintrust always invokes the public servant argument: "But we all pay for fire and police, don't we?" To which I say, the last time I checked, there was no such thing as a FEDERAL fire department or a FEDERAL police department enforcing your local laws.

This is what these statists out there never seem to understand. When you implement these coercive laws at the federal level - as has now been done with our health care - there is nowhere to run if you don't want to live under that law. Recently, some state senators here in California tried to pass their own version of what our Congress just passed. The tab was estimated to be about $200 billion a year had it passed. It didn't pass, and now that this same crap at the federal level has been rammed through, California's version is probably dead. But let's say that California did pass that $200 Billion-per-year health care bill, but there was no federal equivalent. If I as a Californian decided that enough was enough, and I didn't want to deal with that kind of government intervention, then I would be free to move to another state that is more to my liking. If enough people did the same, then California would hopefully get the message and repeal that law.

With federal plans like this in place, however, where do I go then?

This is why when the Constitution was written, the U.S. Congress was given very few and specific areas (see Article I Section 8) in which they could make law. The rest of the countless areas of human affairs were left to the individual states or to the People themselves (see the 10th Amendment). The last I checked, Article I Section 8 says nothing about Congress having the power to make laws regarding our nation's health care. For that matter, there is nothing in there about Medicare, Social Security, or our education system either.

Once upon a time, our elected leaders recognized this fact, and only legislated in areas in which they were given specific permission from the Constitution. That time has long passed. Most Americans today have little to no knowledge of the idea of Federalism, which is the term used to describe the division of responsibilities between the individual states and the federal government.

Today showed that this ignorance (or utter contempt) of our Constitutional system of government is no better demonstrated than by a majority of our critters in Congress.

To them, I say, "Shame!"

Too bad they probably have none.

Good Day to You, Sir


Anonymous said...

No less than we already do

Anonymous said...

But Chanman you must be one of those anti-intellectual, narrow-minded, strict-constructionist types who can't understand that the Constitution is a "living" document subject to whatever meaning we desire. After all, we are only providing for the general welfare. I jest of course.


Donalbain said...

Just like with medicare, it will mean the end of America. You will all become slaves and your grandmothers will be killed.

W.R. Chandler said...


It's nice to see you have seen the light and finally gotten on board.

God Bless you.