Thursday, December 10, 2009

Whistle while you work

I was listening to our Dear Leader accept his oh-so-well deserved Nobel Peace Prize (/sarcasm) as I drove home from work today, and once again, I noticed something as he spoke that I have noticed for quite a while now: Obama whistles his S's. Any word he utters that ends with the "S" sound concludes with with a slight whistle that is driving me more and more crazy.

Am I being petty? Probably. I guess it's no worse than the lefties who went ballistic over George W. Bush's nervous chuckle whenever he was speaking off the cuff. And yes, Bush's mannerisms grated on me as well. Speaking of "Well," that was about the only tic that the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, exhibited. The difference is that his tic was endearing; Obama's makes me wince.

Heh, I know you are going to be listening for that whistle the next time you hear the Dear Leader speak, aren't you? Yeah, you know you will.

Good Day to You, Sir

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