Friday, September 25, 2009

The Cult of Obama strikes again in our schools

Here is another ode to Obama from one of America's classrooms that was brought to my attention from Sacramento Citizen editor Katy Grimes, who posted it on her Facebook page. The kids, identified only as students from Mr. B's class in Room 8, are wearing Obama t-shirts and singing "Yes We Can!" Yet again, more schoolchildren being indoctrinated by the adult in charge.

It's OK though; according to the person - presumably the teacher - who posted the video, a mock election was held in the classroom the day before the 2008 election, and Obama had won with 18 out of 20 votes. Since most of those students presumably picked up their political beliefs from their parents, who presumably also supported Obama, I have to ask: Would those parents have been OK with this song and video if the students had been singing about George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan?

Good Day to You, Sir


Anonymous said...

The world is like a classroom. Unless there is a capable manager of behavior in the room, all hell will break loose. The capable teacher is able to set limits on the misbehaved students so as to convince the fence sitters that they ought not to misbehave either..

The world's punks are testing "Pres. Yes We Can" to see how what limits he will place upon them. I hope that for the sake of the world's classroom our leader shows them the "No You Don't".


The Vegas Art Guy said...

That won't happen until we get a 'No you don't' in the White House!