Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where was I? Better yet, where are you?

The most common rejoinder I get from people who opposed the Tea Parties held back on April 15th is the following:

Why are you only protesting now? Where were you for the last 8 years when Bush was running up record deficits?

Fair enough question. While people on the right didn't organize protests during Bush's spending spree, they certainly shouted from the rooftops that Bush was on a spending spree. They weren't happy about it at all. Then Obama came in and began making Bush's spending seem - shall I say - conservative by comparison. Had John McCain won the election and spent like Obama, or even Bush, these protests would have still happened.

Allahpundit over at HotAir.com (see blogroll) has a better question, and that is why were the same lefties who were so upset with Bush's spending spree not taking part in those Tea Parties? How upset were they? Check out this 30-second MoveOn.org ad from March '08:

So our children are going to have to pay off this dastardly $1 Trillion dollar debt from Bush? What kind of outrage does MoveOn.org feel about Obama's $3.6 Trillion dollar budget for fiscal year 2010 that is laden with gobs of earmarks, porkulus, and bad behavior-rewarding bailouts? I guess some debts are more evil than others, even when they are much smaller. So predictable.

Good Day to You, Sir


Darren said...

Clearly, you're a racist bigot!

Anonymous said...

Good point!

Anonymous said...

Watch this film:http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2009/05/outrage-don-rumsfeld-wife-attacked-by.html

I'm sure you'll agree with me, when I wished some huge linebacker type would just stick this woman.

W.R. Chandler said...

I know, Darren, I know - I can't win!

Don, American Idle said...

We are protesting now because the spending is taking us down the road to socialism. What, you say? The government is SUPPOSED to run the auto industry, and health care, and every other aspect of your personal life?

The Vegas Art Guy said...

May I also point out that those deficits were shrinking until last year and if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not imploded (right on cue) that the deficits would have continued to shrink...

Unknown said...
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