Saturday, January 24, 2009

There's more than just the "white male" quote

It's January 7th of this year; Obama economic advisor and former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich is testifying before a congressional committee about how to spend the taxpayers' money in order to "stimulate" the economy. At one point, Reich expresses his support of putting people to work by rebuilding and strengthening our infrastructure - bridges, roads, that kind of thing.

Reich's remarks to the committee (headed by that crook, Charlie Rangel of New York) reach an astonishing level when he belts out this little nugget:
I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers....
Now, the "white male construction workers" reference has gotten the most play from the talk radio shows and conservative pundits. What actually bothers me more is his concern that only highly skilled professionals would benefit. Good Lord in Heaven, do you realize what this man is saying? Divvying out taxpayer money to workers based on their skin color is more important than giving it to people who actually know what they're doing! And just to emphasize what they are doing: Building bridges! You know, elevated stretches of roadway that would make you fall a long way down if they collapsed due to shoddy or inept construction!

Here's an example of what could be the ultimate result of Reich's plan of action:

Remember folks, these words were uttered from a man who advises our Dear Leader on economic matters. This next four (hopefully not eight) years are going to be so damn interesting.

If you care to watch a rather depressing (for our pocketbook) conversation between Reich and Rangel - including Reich's infamous words - watch the video:

Good Day to You, Sir


Texas Truth said...
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Texas Truth said...

Racism at its best. We can expect more of this from Barack HUSSEIN Obama (aka Little Barry Soetoro and The Boy Wonder) and his band of Merry, Limp Wristed Men and Women.

Anonymous said...

I am appalled and disgusted by Rangel sitting there talking about giving jobs to the poor and unqualified while he is sporting an expensive suit, flashy cufflinks, and a gaudy ring. Just exactly how is he "representing" his constituents?

Anonymous said...

In other words . . . you are either with us or against us . . . if you are against us, you don't get no money!
