Thursday, February 28, 2008

Someone is always willing to be the example

At work today, I watched a most amusing exercise in stupidity. With the weather getting warmer - in the low 70s today and yesterday - our students have already broken out the water bottles, and are drenching each other. Just before the end of school today, our vice principal got onto the campus-wide P.A. system and announced to the student body that the water bottle attacks would not be tolerated, and that a first offense would be worth two detentions, and a second offense would warrant a suspension. Additionally, the V.P. announced to the teachers that she would like them all standing outside their doors right after the final bell rang. When the bell rang, I dutifully walked out my door and began scanning the usual chaos as students made their way across the quad to the bus lines. And then my misbehavior radar got a lock. About 50 yards away, I watched "Devonte", one of our school's frequent fliers, water bottle in hand, running up behind another student. I began to yell his name, but it was too late: Devonte dumped the entire bottle of water on the student's head, squeezing the bottle as hard as he could to get every last drop onto his target.

My first thought was, "You frickin' idiot." After that entire production that had just been announced over the entire campus; after hearing the V.P. ask that all teachers stand outside their doors, Devonte threw caution to the wind and made himself the example. I ran over and had Devonte throw the bottle away, then shooed him toward the bus line. I then walked to my classroom and called his mother. Five minutes later, I was handing a completed discipline referral to the Vice Principal.

You have to wonder what goes through (or doesn't go through) the minds of some of our students. Wouldn't it be fascinating if, instead of walking in their shoes for a day, we could occupy their brains for a day and see the world as they think they see it?

Good Day to You, Sir


Don, American Idle said...

They kick each other a lot,too. What's worse?

Ain't puberty fun?

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Yep, there is always someone willing to be the dope. Or dopes...

Anonymous said...

The quickest way to get a teenager to do something is to tell them not to do it.

As for being within their brain, that is a scary thought. Puberty seems to bring the desire to change the world without the foresight to see the affects of unbridled chaos.

Mrs. Bluebird said...

Being inside their brains would be a scary thing, but, like you, I sometimes wonder what on earth they're thinking (or if they're thinking).

Darren said...

Do you think he'll get the punishment that was stated in the announcement?