Sunday, November 18, 2007

I got yer moronic bumper stickers right here

Via Little Green Footballs, here is a post from a blogger who resides in the People's Republic of Madison, Wisconsin. He has listed some of the dippier bumper stickers he sees around the Berkeley of the Midwest, and gives a short explanation of why they bug him so much. His number one most annoying bumper sticker?

And why does he dislike this bumper sticker so much? His explanation makes sense to me:
If some of the followers of the religion represented by the crescent moon “c” on your cute little bumper sticker would stop hijacking planes and blowing up buildings, coexisting would be a little easier.
Good Day to You, Sir


Don, American Idle said...

The best bumper sticker out today says, "The Road To Hell Is Paved With Liberals."

Anonymous said...

A wonderful explanation. Simple, short, and absolutely, totally truthful.