Thursday, August 09, 2007

In answer to my own rhetorical question...

Here is one of the biggest reasons for the disproportionate murder rate among blacks in this country (both as victims and as perpetrators). Writing for City Journal, Steve Malanga addresses the triple execution-style homicide that recently took place in Newark, New Jersey. Even in a city as used to violence as Newark, these particular slayings stood out enough to make the news cycle. This quote from the article pretty much sums it up:
Behind Newark’s persistent violence and deep social dysfunction is a profound cultural shift that has left many of the city’s children growing up outside the two-parent family—and in particular, growing up without fathers. Decades of research tell us that such children are far likelier to fail in school and work and to fall into violence than those raised in two-parent families. In Newark, we are seeing what happens to a community when the traditional family comes close to disappearing.
Again, please explain to me how white racism has caused this breakdown of the family among minorities, and especially among blacks. I am simply getting sick of hearing the same old tired arguments that may have had legitimacy forty or fifty years ago, but not now.

Good Day to You, Sir

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