Sunday, June 10, 2007

Yes, we have to defend the morons, too

Don't you just love it when people wrap themselves in the liberties of our country, and then turn around and denigrate the very institutions and the tools they use to guarantee and preserve those liberties?

Sacramento is abuzz this weekend with the California Capital Air Show being held at Mather Field. From our backyard about an hour ago, my son and I watched an F-22 Raptor going through its paces. It was very far away, but you could definitely see it, and you could most certainly hear it. There are many airplanes on display at this and many air shows across the country; some are military aircraft, some are not. They not only showcase the military might of our nation, they excite the crowd with demonstrations of things that most of us will never get a chance to do ourselves.

Nevertheless, we have the following letter to the editor in this Sunday's Sacramento Bee written by one Maurya Perazzo of Sacramento. It appears Maurya has a problem with our local air show because... well, you'll just have to read her letter yourself. Prepare to cluck your tongue a bit:
Air shows aren't family-friendly

As the death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq passes 3,500, I find it appalling that the Bee printed three stories this week publicizing the California Capital Air Show at Mather Airport.
My, don't we just love our war toys when they are presented in such a "fun-for-the-whole-family" fashion? A show that promises spectacular aerobatic stunts and ear-shattering, flyover formations starring our military's finest birds such as B-1 Bombers, F-16 Fighting Falcons, F-15 Hornets (sic.), and U-2 Dragon Ladies.

In the June 5 article ("Time to shake, rattle and roll"), the writer states that the activities are intended to have residents "reflect" on the Air Force's role. Well, folks, reflect on this: Air shows are simply venues for glorifying war, violence, and militarism.
Warplanes are touted with such pageantry and splendor that it's easy to forget that they have killed millions of innocent people.
What is most disturbing is that these events are designed to recruit children and youth into joining the military when they grow up by associating fun and excitement with technology that kill and destroys.
We must stop supporting events that glorify war and start putting our time and energy into activities that heal our community, unite our world and promote peace!
OK, everybody join in!

Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbayaaaaaa

Wow! Party, meet the pooper. This woman is a prime example of a sheep that hates the sheepdog because she refuses to acknowledge that there are wolves out there who want to devour her.

By the way Maurya, for the record, it's F-15 Eagle, and F-18 Hornet.

Good Day to You, Sir


Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

May I just say, for the record, that I absolutely LOVE your blog?

Because, I absolutely love your blog.

Dan Edwards said...

Perhaps she should move to some place where the "government" has no patience with such evil concepts as "freedom of speech" .

I love Airshows. In fact, every year, the Blue Angels interrupt my classes as they have winter training where I live. On some of their routines, one or two of them are merely several hundred yards from my school, low enough to read NAVY on their wings.

One of my uncles was US Army AirCorp in WWII (shot down dropping paras over Normandy, 06 June, 1944, spent time in German POW camp), and my Dad was USAF. Go AF !

W.R. Chandler said...

Thank you so much Mamacita. Being a frequent checker-inner on Scheiss Weekly, I most certainly take your words as quite a compliment!

Law and Order Teacher said...

God help us! People like this are good to hear from. It gives their stupid ideas a good shot of fresh air that exposes the bankruptcy of their thoughts. I am a USAF veteran and I make it a point to go to the Dayton Air Show every year. The military aspect of the shows is gratifying to those of us who have served our country. Our military is deserving of all the praise and honor it can get. When I was in the military was not afforded much in the way of appreciation. It is long overdue.

Texas Truth said...

I did some checking into Maurya Perazzo

She is a member of the Capital City Progressives which is aligned with the Progressive Democrats of America.

Their platform is a follows:
1. End the Iraq Occupation, Redirect Funding
2. Implement Universal Health Care
3. Assure Economic Justice
4. Guarantee Clean, Fair, Transparent Elections
5. Stop Global Warming

It seems that her letter might have been a plant and have ulterior motives.

W.R. Chandler said...

Wow! It never occurred to me to Google her. It turns out that not only is she a mover and shaker in the "Peace" movement here in Sacramento, it appears she is also an administrator at California State University, Sacramento. A college bureaucrat... shocker!

The Vegas Art Guy said...

What? A college administrator that leans left? What a shocker!

You would think she would have at least gotten the names of the aircraft correct. But then again she is part of the anitwar crowd so I guess I shouldn't be suprised...