Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cough drops? No! Abortion? Go for it!

The other day at work, I received two different pieces of correspondence that made me chuckle. The first was an email from our school nurse that was sent to our entire staff reminding us that the nurse was not allowed under any circumstances to give out cough drops or cough medicine to our students. The parents must be involved in a decision like that you know.

Meanwhile, in my mailbox, I got a flyer from the CTA that listed their voting recommendations for the upcoming election. Naturally, with the exception of Bruce McPherson for Secretary of State, all of their recommendations were for Democrats. Don't think, just vote Democrat.

One of the Propositions on this November ballot is Proposition 85, which if passed, would require parental notification if their daughter sought an abortion - not parental permission mind you, just notification. CTA and many other left-leaning groups oppose Prop 85.

I found this rather interesting that in this krazy state of ours, a school nurse can't give a kid a cough drop, but then that same kid can turn around and get an abortion without the parents finding out. Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

Good Day to You, Sir


Anonymous said...

What's even more ridiculous is that at my daughter's school, students aren't even allowed to bring things like aspirin, couch drops, etc. to school from home. When my daughter has a cold, I send contraband cough drops with her and tell her that if she's caught with them, the school can call me and we will discuss it then.

Darren said...

I can't give a high school student an aspirin/acetaminophen/ibuprofin for a headache, but that same high school student can leave campus--without parental knowledge!--to get an abortion.

A high school student cannot get his/her ears pierced in California without parental permission, but that same high school student can leave campus--without parental knowledge!--to get an abortion.

A high school student cannot get a tattoo in California without parental permission, but that same high school student can leave campus--without parental knowledge!--to get an abortion.


And CTA's position is the height of hypocrisy. CTA always talks about how parents need to be involved in education; how teams of parents, teachers, and students are needed to ensure success for all students in school. But as soon as a parent *might* say something against the left-wing dogma, something like "Let's discuss this abortion business," all of a sudden the parents are the enemy.


That's *your* union, Mr. Chanman. By the way, did you read this post of mine?
You should....