Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bloggers wanted for 9/11 Tribute

I just signed up for a very moving project called 2,996: Honoring the 9/11 Victims. The operator of the website is looking for as many bloggers to each give tribute to one victim from the Islamo-fascist attack 0f September 11, 2001. This tribute will of course take place this coming September 11, which is the five-year anniversary of that horrible day. I signed up and was assigned a man named Christopher Faughnan, age 37. Mr. Faughnan died in the World Trade Center. The last time I checked, the Tribute was still a couple of hundred bloggers short. Even if they get enough bloggers, sign up anyway. The operator of the site made it clear that he would much rather have too many people sign up than not enough. If more than 2,996 bloggers sign up, then victims will be double-assigned.

So please, sign up and give tribute to the civilian-soldiers who died that day in a war that knows no borders, boundaries, or limits, and does not differentiate between soldier and civilian. As far as the Islamo-fascists are concerned, we are all equally fair game.

Good Day to You, Sir


Darren said...

Miroslav said...

just signed up. Thanks for the tip!