Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Update on the Party of Racism

I found this Washington Times article that lays out some of the leftist vitriol that has been directed toward Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele who is running for a Maryland Senate seat.

In related news, an editorial in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel was lamenting the fact that with the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, the diversity of the Court would be diminished because a woman (Sandra Day O'Connor) was being replaced by a white male. The editorial then went on to lay out the diversity that is left on the Court, such as only one woman (Ruth Bader Ginsburg), and only one black person (Clarence Thomas). Here is where things get interesting. The editorial then qualified Clarence Thomas's status as a black man by stating,

In losing a woman, the court with Alito would feature seven white men, one white woman and a black man, who deserves an asterisk because he arguably does not represent the views of mainstream black America.

So, Clarence Thomas is not a "real" black man because he dares to disagree with the leftists and the Democrat Party to which the majority of blacks in America still belong. I get it now - race isn't based on the color of your skin nor is your sex based on your bodily equipment; it is based on your politics. Funny, I don't see conservatives telling leftist white men that they aren't really white. Just another example of the left's inability to separate race from politics. Conservatives look at you as an individual person who always has worth in God's eyes. Leftists look at you as a cog in a monolithic racial category.

Good Day to You, Sir

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