Wednesday, October 19, 2005

That was Money Well Spent

Behold! Your tax dollars at work. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in what I believe was an unprecedented move, handed out $2,000 in cash to over 600,ooo survivors of Hurricane Katrina who had been relocated from New Orleans. Many of these relocated survivors came from places like the 9th Ward of New Orleans - one of the poorest neighborhoods in Louisiana, if not the entire country. Many of the benighted residents of the 9th Ward spent their days sitting on their porch drinking booze purchased with welfare money. What in Sam Hill did the federal government think that these people would do with $2,000 just handed to them with no strings attached? Read this attached article and be amused and sickened at the same time as you are regaled with stories of liquor, strippers, and drunken trips to Wal-Mart. One of my conservative heroes, Neal Boortz, puts it best. He says that the reason the rich get richer and poor get poorer is that the rich keep doing the things that make them richer, and the poor keep doing the things that make them poorer. Sure enough, instead of spending this $2,000 wisely on necessities or saving it, many of these "poor" people went out and blew it on crap. And remember folks, this money came from YOU. The federal government thought it was more important for these people to buy booze and lap dances than it was for you to keep that money and save for your kids' college education or add an addition to your house, or to buy a new car, or save a little for a rainy day. Think about that every time you pay your taxes. Think about all those pork projects that Congresscritters guide toward their districts. All of that was purchased with YOUR money. It's enough to make a grown man cry. By the way, hat tip to the Boston Herald for the accompanying photo.

Good Day to You, Sir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is just the government’s way of saying, “Ok, look. For those of you who decided to stay in this wet, stinking hole after given the opportunity to leave, this is it. We can’t hold your hand and lead you along in life any longer. Take the money and spend it wisely on what you deem necessary”. Ha!!

Unfortunately, what some deem necessary is really just crap. But keep in mind, most of these people that are blowing their wad of cash have probably always lived off of some sort of government assistance and will always assume that the next free check is just around the corner. The saddest part is that when that next hand out doesn’t come, they will start screaming about how the government has forgotten them and that they can’t live in these conditions. Boo-freaking-hoo. And somewhere in all their ranting and raving, the issue of race will pop up.

As someone that has been paying taxes since I was about 16, all I can say is SUCK IT UP. When given the chance to leave you stayed to loot and now want to be paid for it.

Not only do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but also the smart get smarter and the stupid just keep on getting more and more stupid.